In addition to native variations by locality or over time, there are often several possible transliterations into the Roman alphabet used for English.) Kemetic names: Bast, Bastet, Pasch, Ubasti, Ba en Aset (N.B.
Summary:īast (Bastet, Pasch, Ubasti, Ba en Aset) is the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) Goddess of cats, dawn, civilization, home, bounty, plenty, enlightenment, art, music, dance, creation, birth, fertility, sex, physical pleasure, lesbians, truth, hemp, marijuana, drugs, the Moon, and the rising Sun. How to Teach Your Cat Its NameĪn updated version of this web page is now available at the new Teen Witch website Bast.
For more information on Russian cats, including the Ural Rex, the Peterbald and the Donskoy cat, check this out.